Tatamagouche Centre is deeply grateful to have the support of so many individuals and organizations.
Donors & Volunteers
To the countless donors, board members, and volunteers who have supported Tatamagouche Centre from its inception: there are too many of you to name, but your hard work and generosity is appreciated every day. Thank you for continuing the spirit of giving.
Our Partner Organizations
Women of First Light
Indigenous Peace and Friendship
United Way Colchester County
Mennonite Central Committee
P.E.E.R.S. Alliance
Maritimes-Guatemala Breaking The Silence Network
Government Partners
Insurance Rebate Grant
Communities, Culture & Heritage – Racial Justice Fund, Community Facilities Improvement Grant, Social Justice Youth Camp Grant, Diversity and Community Capacity Fund
NS Health Board – Wellness Grant
Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency- Green Retrofit
Community Facilities Infrastructure Program – Green Retrofit
Employment & Social Development – New Horizons for Seniors Grant
Project Partners, Foundations, Funding Agencies, & Corporate Donors
The United Church of Canada Foundation
The United Church of Canada provides core funding through Bermuda Nova Scotia Regional Council & Fundy St. Lawrence Dawning Waters Regional Council .
Bursary funds for youth and young adults have been provided by The James Robertson Memorial Trust Fund, Wesley C. Smith Fund, Davey Family Endowment Fund, Living Spirit Fund, Brian and Belva Piercy Fund, the Jean Moore Endowment Fund, Seeds of Hope Fund, and the UCCF’s General Fund. Bursaries for BIPOC participants have been provided through the Justice and Reconciliation Fund. Bursaries for seniors spirituality program streams were awarded from The Watkins Fund for Innovative Ministries with Senior Adults through the Seeds of Hope Fund. EDGE Faith Formation Grant – Innovation Grants. Faith & the Common Good (Green Retrofit)
The Nova Scotia Chapters of the UCW raised thousands of dollars for our Centre, contributing greatly to our “Comfort & Care” campaign in 2019. The comfy blankets and lines you enjoy are thanks to their generosity.
South Shore United Church; Pictou United Church; Stairs Memorial United Church Women; Giftfunds Canada; UCW Fellowship Unit; CND Visitation Province; Jody Varughese Professional Corporation; Westmount UCW; Trinity United Church Women; Winsloe United Church; United Way of Colchester County; Northumberland Pastoral Charge; CUT Foundation; Tatamagouche Brewing Company; Restigouche Congregation; and Ste. Croix-Ellershouse PC
Program supports and bursaries, particularly for those facing barriers: North Shore Community Fund (Tatamagouche); Edwards Family Charitable Foundation; Sisters of Charity of the Immaculate Conception (SCIC); Sisters of Charity of Saint Vincent de Paul Halifax; Sisters of St. Martha of Antigonish; IAC – St. Croix Presbytery, Seagull Foundation, FK Morrow Foundation;
Donation for racial justice: Tatamagouche Brewing Co., Tatamagouche
Half of the value of our Golf Cart: Canton Carts, Truro area